.Net(VB,C#) LINQ で重複のないデータを抽出する


private class Fruit
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Rank { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
Private Class Fruit
    Public Property Name As String
    Public Property Rank As String
    Public Property Price As Decimal
End Class
var fruits = new List<Fruit>()
                    new Fruit(){Name = "りんご", Rank = "A" , Price = 1000 },
                    new Fruit(){Name = "みかん", Rank = "A" , Price = 600 },
                    new Fruit(){Name = "ぶどう", Rank = "B" , Price = 1200 },
                    new Fruit(){Name = "りんご", Rank = "B" , Price = 800 },
                    new Fruit(){Name = "みかん", Rank = "A" , Price = 500 }
Dim fruits = New List(Of Fruit)() From
                New Fruit() With {.Name = "りんご", .Rank = "A", .Price = 1000},
                New Fruit() With {.Name = "みかん", .Rank = "A", .Price = 600},
                New Fruit() With {.Name = "ぶどう", .Rank = "B", .Price = 1200},
                New Fruit() With {.Name = "りんご", .Rank = "B", .Price = 800},
                New Fruit() With {.Name = "みかん", .Rank = "A", .Price = 500}
var nameList = fruits.Select(itm => itm.Name).Distinct();
nameList.ToList().ForEach(itm => { Console.WriteLine(itm); });
 Dim nameList = fruits.Select(Function(itm) itm.Name).Distinct()
' りんご
' みかん
' ぶどう
nameList.ToList().ForEach(Sub(itm) Console.WriteLine(itm))
var nameRankList = fruits.Select(itm => new { itm.Name, itm.Rank }).Distinct();
// りんご A
// みかん A
// ぶどう B
// りんご B
nameRankList.ToList().ForEach(itm =>
 { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1}", itm.Name, itm.Rank)); });
Dim nameRankList = fruits.Select(Function(itm) New With {Key itm.Name, Key itm.Rank}).Distinct()
' りんご A
' みかん A
' ぶどう B
' りんご B
nameRankList.ToList().ForEach(Sub(itm) _
     Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}", itm.Name, itm.Rank)))

var nameRankList = fruits.GroupBy(itm => new { itm.Name, itm.Rank })
                    .Select(grp => grp.First());
// りんご A
// みかん A
// ぶどう B
// りんご B
nameRankList.ToList().ForEach(itm =>
                { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1}", itm.Name, itm.Rank)); });
Dim nameRankList = fruits.GroupBy(Function(itm) New With {Key itm.Name, Key itm.Rank}) _
                        .Select(Function(grp) grp.First())
' りんご A
' みかん A
' ぶどう B
' りんご B
nameRankList.ToList().ForEach(Sub(itm) _
     Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1}", itm.Name, itm.Rank)))

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